​Editorial Focus
The New Hampshire Genealogical Record (The NH Record) seeks well-written, carefully researched articles on individuals and families with connections to New Hampshire, including:
Family genealogies of two or more generations
Articles addressing genealogical questions, such as questions of parentage or identity
Transcriptions of records of genealogical interest that are difficult to access or decipher
We also welcome:
Articles on methodology, problem-solving, and novel approaches to research
Articles on New Hampshire that provide social, cultural, or historical context for genealogical research
Articles on topical or timely New Hampshire subjects, such as significant historical events and milestones
Articles on New Hampshire genealogical repositories and resources
Reviews of books and other media (see Review Guidelines below)
We rarely accept “travelogue”-style articles that describe the research process; we prefer to publish the results of research.
Writing Guidelines
We ask authors to follow NEHGS style, as described in Stratton & Hoff's Guide to Genealogical Writing. All asserted facts not generally known should be supported by a footnoted citation, formatted according to Elizabeth Shown Mills's Evidence Explained.
Other references useful for submitters include the following:
Board for Certification of Genealogists, Genealogy Standards, 2nd ed. (Nashville, Tennessee: Ancestry, 2019).
Thomas W. Jones, Mastering Genealogical Proof (Arlington, Virginia: National Genealogical Society, 2013).
The latter book is particularly useful for case studies.
Example citations can be found in our Citation Guidelines, Also, we provide an Article Template. (If you are using Microsoft Word, email us for a copy of our MS Word template.)
Articles and letters can be submitted as email attachments or via other electronic means to the Publications Committee at publications@nhsog-board.org. We welcome your questions and inquiries!
Review Guidelines
Scope and Relevance: Reviews should focus on resources (books, other media, websites, or technologies) relevant to New Hampshire genealogy, including state and local history, ethnic group settlements, general genealogical techniques applicable to New Hampshire research, and technologies that can be applied within the state's genealogical context. As the state is small, resources relevant to other New England states may also be considered.
Reviewer Qualifications: Submissions should be from individuals with recognized expertise in genealogy, history, or a related field. A brief biography of the reviewer, highlighting their qualifications and experience, should accompany the submission.
Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as personal or professional connections with the creator or publisher of the resource under review.
Objectivity and Critical Analysis: Reviewers must provide an unbiased, critical evaluation of the resource’s content. This includes an assessment of the resource’s contribution to genealogical research in New Hampshire, its accuracy, and its relevance to current methodologies and technologies in the field.
Formatting and Length: Reviews should be concise yet thorough, ideally between 500-1000 words (about 2¬–4 pages). The format should include a summary of the resource’s content and relevance, followed by a critical evaluation. The use of plain language is encouraged to ensure accessibility to a broad audience.
Citations and References: If referencing other works, proper citations must be included. This ensures scholarly integrity and allows readers to further explore the context of the review. Chicago Manual of Style or Evidence Explained formats are preferred.
Originality: Reviews must be original and not previously published in any other medium.
Deadlines: Reviewers should adhere to submission deadlines to ensure timely publication. If delays are anticipated, communication with the editor is expected.
Submission Process: Reviews should be submitted electronically in a standard word processing format. The subject line of the email should read "NHSOG Review Submission: [Resource Title]." Enquiries are encouraged to reduce possibility of duplication.
Review and Publication Process: All submissions will undergo an editorial review process. The editor reserves the right to request revisions, and submission does not guarantee publication.
Enquiries and submissions can be made to the Reviews Editor at reviews@nhsog-board.org.