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Call for Presentations:
NHSOG 2024 Webinar Series


Presentation proposals are welcome from now until September 15, 2023, for the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists’  2024 Webinar Series.



Webinars are presented over Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm ET. All attendees and all speakers are remote for the webinars.



The ideal presentation would cover a topic of particular interest to genealogists in New Hampshire and/or genealogists living anywhere who are researching New Hampshire ancestors.



Target length should be 50 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A.



Accepted presenters will be asked to provide a syllabus of 2-4 pages at least one week before the presentation date, and to agree to allow NHSOG to record the presentation and share it with its members for at least 90 days.


Submit Your Proposal

Proposals should be emailed to by September 15, 2023. Proposals must include:


  • Speaker’s full name, address, email, and telephone number

  • Brief bio (50 words or so)

  • Presentation title

  • Short summary of presentation

  • Honorarium requirements

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New Hampshire Society of Genealogists
P. O. Box 2316

Concord, NH 03302-2316

© 2021–2025 New Hampshire Society of Genealogists

Proudly created by LillyDesigns

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